It’s Spring And Time For Graduation Photos!

I especially enjoy shooting graduation photos. It’s spring and students are emerging from the intense, years long struggle of learning and examinations. They are bright with the feeling that the world is their oyster because of their newly minted diploma. 

Shooting graduations as a professional photographer I’m always working with bright, energetic subjects. Their sense of happiness and accomplishment is infectious and their energy really comes through the lens. 

While we’re happy to do studio sessions with new graduates we find that shooting on their campus gives the photographs better context and interest. Above is a set of photos we did this weekend for a new MBA graduate from the Long Beach State University program along with his wife who graduated previously and chose to wear her own graduation gown. 

We were blessed with spring’s blooming trees and bushes which provided color and interest. The Long Beach State campus has many visually appealing locations which gave us a ton background options. We were also blessed with a light overcast that softened and evened out the lighting for very attractive exposures.

Do you know someone graduating this spring needing great, professional photos of the occasion? Tell them about The Headshot Works!